Ritual Expressions

Equinox Full Info


 Vernal Equinox Ceremony 2024


At America’s Stonehenge, Salem NH


Expanding a State of Coherence


Sunday March 17


1:00 – 4:00 PM


Facilitated by Katja Esser

The actual Equinox moment Tuesday March 19 at 11:06 pm. 
There is some preparation involved that you do at home prior to the ceremony. Please, check out ‘what to create’ below and take some time with it. The preparations are part of the feeding of the spirit world and deepen the work we do so we can reap the most benefits from it as well. It also shows a commitment to walking a different path as it takes some effort, which is noticed in the other world.
Make sure you leave enough time to hike/walk to the site so we can start in time. We will beyond the main site on top of the hill.
The increasing bright light from our radiant star infuses mother’s dulled skirt. Little frays of her winter gown light up her tattered muted look. A restless dream time where water’s blossom barely created the dramatic sculptural glaze that used to solidify her babbling veins. The warmth and light increase each day and Mother begins to stir preparing to transition into her labor process as she contracts and expands, hardens and softens. Saps are rising, snowdrop are up, and bulbs begin to push their core up and out. Winter will not give up easily as its frigid bite will challenge the unfurling life in the months to come before the spring air establishes itself and life resurrects at its fullest.  
We are in a very exciting and tumultuous time right now. All the eyes have been pointing to this time and this particular year for great shifts to occur. We are dismantling and birthing. Laying down the tight skins we have outgrown, breaking out of the smothering oppression within and without to set ourselves free. As the waters become cloudier confusion sets in. The mountain view with its far-reaching visions is swallowed in the clouds; the future is unknown. Our roots stand in murky stagnant water, decomposing as legacy burdens fuel wars and conflicts. The surface waters sweeping up, express turbulence. In all of this we long for peace in community and try to figure out how we go about relating to one another as we live in an universe of relationships Our belief systems get shaken as we wake up to truths we are unwilling to face but, have to get out into the world. What carries us through is our consciousness, our connection to our higher mind, and the unseen world. In the eye of the storm, we find peace. As fire creates agitation at the hearth and burns in nature, it also aligns us to the beings of light and our inner divine fire. It may take some work to not let ourselves be lead astray because of outer world appearances and keep that inner fire going to stay connected to the bigger picture and our higher consciousness. The other world stands by and awaits our request for help. Spring time is creative time and nature is the realm of creativity. Tend to the seed/vision we are growing, expand our creative abilities and our 6 senses utilizing the frequency of love and coherence as we are here to co-create the patterns of perfection of the New Earth. We are living in a feeling world. Remember our true-identity, as ‘the presence of God we are’, spend time in nature that models the laws of the universe and brings us to our authenticity. Beliefs, concepts, and ideas will shift as new information comes in allowing us to see how much power we have to shift consciousness on this earth and create a different collective reality. This will allow us to clear out the old and heal our wounds with self and community. This summarizes my shell inquiry as we prepare to move through the Equinox portal.
The Vernal Equinox is rapidly approaching which is always a powerful gateway where the sun rises opposite from where it sets, where night and day, matter and spirit, yin and yang create a short-lived moment of balance. It announces the return of Spring, the awakening of nature, and resurrection of life. It is the season of activation, change, and transformation as a quickening propels life forward in rapid succession, following coherent patterns of fractals that create a predictable outcome with a unique expression based on the information it received. It is a vulnerable time in which the young life endures the challenges of potential late frosts, imbalances of moisture, and temperatures which have become a reality in the last couple of years. It is for this reason that ceremonies have been done to midwife and protect the young life to ensure that life can express and procreate to provide a food body we all can partake in and can continue forever. It also allows us to come into alignment with nature, be stewards of this precious life, and have a relationship with the living world around us.
Also, we benefit from these portals, if we utilize and call upon these energies to assist us which is crucial today as the Earth has ascended in the Spring Equinox of 2023 to now participate in the higher frequencies of love and light available from our Grand Central Sun. With this influx of energy from the highest realms of light things will accelerate rapidly as new information comes in that we cannot comprehend at this time but soon will. Be ready to be a conduit for these energies to express themselves through us to assist us to move up the spiral of evolution and go home to the heart of our beloved Father/Mother God.
Following the cosmology of the Dagara people of West Africa we have entered now into a mineral year. The wheel is universal as it reflects the energy patterns of technology, memory, story, purpose. It is also the year where Pluto almost fully has entered Aquarius. From September to November, it will drop briefly back into Capricorn where we will see the last vestiges of the old-world order being played out. What we create this year will decide how we move forward. It is about reclaiming our freedom within and without, de-centralization, empowered communities, acceleration, innovation, tons of new information, and technology. Uranus is in Taurus for the next 2 years creating a lot of unexpected seismic activities and geomagnetic energy events. Awakenings and shake-ups are to be expected. Remember that mountains get formed by earthquakes, diamonds get formed by intense heat and pressure, and metals are forged through heat and pounding. It takes tempering to become durable and resilient. All is conspiring to catapult us into higher frequencies of light and love.
The intention :
Everything will accelerate and holding our center, meditate, breathe, spend lots of time in nature, see the big picture, and focus on a vision for the world we like to see are essential. We are birthing a new world and shake off the old. We remember our true-identity and that we are ONE in the body of God/Creator/Source. Here is a profound quote: ‘Small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the system to a higher order’ by Nobel Laureate Ilya Prigogine. This is the power of love and there are many examples of that in nature. Coherence, creativity, and freedom become core pieces for our focus this year as we move through the dismantling process and stay focused on the world we like to see. Energy follows attention. An exciting new world awaits us, becoming tangible as we dream it.
What to bring and prepare :
– Please, get a dark piece of natural de-composable easy tearing fabric that represents your old skin of about 1 yard long and about 12 to 15 inches wide. This represents your old skin. We review where we still hang on to old patterns, go against the flow, where we still feel crystalized, stagnant, where we still oppress, enslave ourselves, and act from fear. Identify these components and ask yourself how willing and committed you are to transform these patterns. Have you hit a wall, are you sitting at the bottom of the well or are these just residual aspect of the healing you have done and just need to be coaxed on gently? Write or draw them on your skin.
– Please, make a dream manifestation cloth on a piece of white de-composable natural fabric between 8-to-10-inch square. What would you like this world to be? If you are in charge, what world would you create? What, from your life experiences, would you see as being essential to make this world a more compassionate loving planet? And what is your role in this world? Draw or write this on your cloth. Even when all is very nebulous, to focus on what we want is the better option to create a dream future. Be creative.
– Please, get 3 strands of either yarn, natural rope, (I am asking for multiple strands to make it thicker and more substantial) or a single strip of natural de-composable fabric of 2 yards long and 1-2 inches wide, whatever you have easiest access to. This is your umbilical cord. Everything comes through this umbilical, the nourishment as well as the dysfunctional patterns, all the opinions, judgments, and inner conflicts. To truly set ourselves free from all these chords that tie us up, we have to forgive, and mostly forgive ourselves for having opinions, judgments, projections, inner conflicts, shame, and guilt. What unfinished business still takes up our energy, what have we not released or forgiven? Begin by making individual knots of forgiveness for each of these traits having run our life or all unfinished business that has not been completed, all contracts, commitments, and vows we have not fulfilled. Take some time to seriously sit with these ways you have been operating, giving yourself an opportunity to feel it and truly forgive.
– Please, bring a seed. Based on your unique life experience what is the direction or area of interest in which you are co-creating with the universe?
– Please, bring Spring flowers that are open, a pad to sit on, a light-weight dark small blanket or big shawl, drums or other sound makers if you have them, some healthy non-gmo finger food for after the ceremony, rain-gear if needed and your own water to drink. Make sure you dress warm and have good footwear.
– Please, bring a friend and give them this information.
Katja Esser guides you through this very participatory ritual. In the spirit of co-creating in our own evolution, the ritual grows to new heights when you create your items and participate in it. The rituals go deeper each year as they are built on each previous one. We do our best to fulfill the requested preparations but let it not deter you from coming if you can’t fulfill it.
Donations and Cost: America’s Stonehenge is privately owned but is open to the public and is in operation under the dedicated care of the Stone family. The entry fee is $16.00 for adults and tickets can be purchased on their online store: https://stonehengeusa.square.site/ or on site. There is an additional suggested donation of $8 if you can or more at the ritual site to support this ceremonial work.
Who to contact: Please, contact Katja by Email: katjacreates@ritualexpressions.com. I do not own a cell phone nor would I respond to responses after 9 am on the day of the event. Just to know that there is always room. I need to have a sense of numbers of people coming so I can adjust the ceremony to the number of people that are present and I can notify you if there are last minute unexpected changes. You can find more info on Katja by visiting her website www.ritualexpressionsevents.org and this info is also posted on Facebook.
Filming and Photographing: I am asking participants not to film or photograph during ceremony. It is fine before and after the ceremony but not during the ceremony. Some things belong to the world of spirit. Thank you for your understanding.
Directions: From I 93, take exit 3 in NH, take Rte 111 East (app. 5 mi., crossing Rte 28) to Island Pond and Haverhill Rds. (there will be a sign here for America’s Stonehenge on your right). Follow Haverhill Rd. south to entrance. The address is 105 Haverhill Rd, Salem NH 03079.
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